Tiny Hands Sorting 1: Teaching Your Little One about Shapes and Colors

Toddlers take to books like fish to water and one of the pure joys of parenting is watching them slowly start to recognize objects, sounds and colors. And you could carry around a stack of those heavy cardboard baby books in your diaper bag, but for a little portable entertainment, the Tiny Hands app is an educational activity created for mobile devices.

Fun Fact: infants develop depth of field (determining how far away objects are) from crawling.

For a few minutes a day, you can teach your child how to identify and match shapes, learn colors and have some fun. 12 different environments introduce animals, common objects and seasons. Beautiful, baby-friendly imagery aids early development with an emphasis on hand eye coordination, vocabulary and concentration. Mobile devices are surprisingly intuitive for small children and they learn quickly how to operate the touch screen with simple swipe movements. This nice thing about this app too, is that it is also amusing to the grown-ups.

Babies learn best when their experience is diverse, when they get to involve their senses and engage with both their parents and other children. But for those times when you are on the road, killing a few minutes before a pediatrician appointment or just in a hurry, having an educational app designed expressly for this age group can be a life saver.

For more on this app, visit: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tinyhands-sorting-1-teach/id599965478?mt=8

About Susie Almaneih

Susie Almaneih spent several years during her young adulthood teaching children dance at her church group, as well as other cultural-based activities. Susie now spends as much time as she can giving back to the families in her community. Over the years, this love for community has evolved into a deeper love for delivering positive and creative content and awareness to families of all ages.

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